Desert Garden II - Luis Marino

Desert Garden II

Desert Garden is a photographic project born from the connection between the nature that surrounds me and the sensations and feelings it produces in me. 

The project is divided into two complementary parts, the first of which consists of 41 photographs. Through the images I explore the particular garden of my emotions, while paying tribute to absent people whose memory still remains as present as the aromas of this inner landscape. In these works the color black prevails, the color of absence, and I have used multiexposure as a photographic technique. 

In the second part of the project I move from the intimate and private place to the shared place, which is reflected in a habitat determined by the nearby environment, a space in a continuous process of desertification.
Through 24 pieces I interpret the geometric codes of nature through the composition of fractal structures and kaleidoscopic images. 

In short, Desert Garden reflects our particular emotional nature that coexists fragilely with another superior nature of which we are an indissoluble part.